Sunday, February 24, 2008


My usual Sunday morning running partner Utpal had a minor medical procedure yesterday, so didn't feel well enough to come for a long run this morning. So I was on my own. You can see from the photo that there was quite a lot of snow out in Flushing Meadow Park, but it was sunny and so nice. I had to be a bit careful at times because of the snow and ice, but it was a lot of fun.
I ran 12+ miles stopping from time to time to take some photo's. This one actually shows part of the course that is used for the 6 & 10 day races that takes part here in April.. I am quite happy with the way my training has gone the last 6 weeks, especially the last 3 weeks when I have increased my mileage.
I am leaving for Western and Central Europe in a few days and hope to maintain my running while traveling a lot. It's not always easy, but if I can squeeze in some kind of run everyday it really helps.

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